Tuesday 14 June 2016

Carly's wish

                                                    Carly’s wish

Down deep in the forests of matariki lived a young girl named Carly. Carly lived with her grandpa Joe. Grandpa joe and Carly always celebrated Matariki. Carly was excited that matariki was coming up this year so that she could had a matariki where she could dress up and decorate with streamers and matariki treats.

Carly woke on the day of the party fresh and clean. She ran down the cold wooden stairs already dressed  to see grandpa Joe with breakfast and all the reusable shopping bags on the white table. Carly and Grandpa Joe scoffed up there breakfast which was berries and bananas. Then they headed of to the store. The first store they visited was four square. At four square they got the necessities for the party. They gathered the ingredients for the shortbread stars. After that they went to a party store to buy streamers and balloons, also they bought four telescopes. When they got home they started making kites for the kite flying celebration. Next they cooked the shortbread and while they were cooling they hung the balloons and streamers. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and some girls came rushing in hugging and screaming.

As the hours went by carly and her friends sat outside studying the stars. After the party, when all of carly's friends had left carly and grandpa joe sat outside and saw a star. Carly said “ I am going to wish on one of the seven stars. She looked up and quietly made a wish.

                                         By Poppy


  1. Hi Poppy
    love your story so much i could read it over and over again.
    from lexie

    1. Thank you Lexie that a lot of writing right there. But guess what Alice is going to share This story in the newsletter.
      Bye see ya at school

  2. Wow Poppy, you have included lots of different ideas about matariki in your story. It is really descriptive too, great writing Poppy.

  3. Wow Poppy, I just keep reading it and reading it you have lots of ideas and punchation.
    BFF Charlotte.
