Sunday 20 November 2016

My pig - Poppy

                      My Pet pig

I have a crazy pet pig. He has competed in the Olympics . He has over taken Usain Pig in sprints , Bet Piggy Adams at shot put and jumped higher than Eliza piggy. 

Over the years he has eaten my Jumbo elephant , My creative chicken and conquered my Jungle lion. But to this day I will never forget the day he eat my Greyhound Hugo. 

I was a summer day and my pig was eating his slop. While I was outside , I tied Hugo to the fence beside my pig . I then went into the chicken house to collect the eggs for our special cake. I suspected nothing so I was minding my own business until there was a woof than GULP ! I ran outside to see a very very very fat pink piggy with a smile wiped all over his face. 

I smacked my pig on cheek and then ran inside, My pig didn't care because he had eaten so many of my animals in his time the old smack was nothing to him. So never leave your animals alone with a Olympic Champion. 
By Poppy 


  1. This writing made me laugh, great work Poppy

  2. WOW Poppy
    That is so funny I never knew you could write like that next time maybe you could make it longer
    please come and visit my blog at
    From Zoe
